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ColorChoice 4.5 Windows 10 x64 Patch

Tested and working on the Roland SOLJET SC-500 Drivers for the other printers are included. My Program will ask you for your ColorChoice Setup Disk. It will copy all the files to a temp folder. Then it patches the setup files so you can install ColorChoice on Windows 10 x64. The installation of all supported printers by ColorChoice are included for Windows 10 x64. A video tutorial is also included.


If you can't get through the copying process then you can use this prepatched setup. Download (465MB) Just run it, it will extract and run the installation. You can go through it like in the video. And make sure you install it to (C:\Program Files\Roland COLORCHOICE 4) You can continue the setup video from 4:16


Setup Video

Chris Andriessen

Made with lots of ☕ by Chris Andriessen