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Raspberry Pi Music Player with Touchscreen Interface

This project sets up a Raspberry Pi 4 or 5 as a music player with a touchscreen interface.

It supports: CD-ROM, USB (Any file VLC can play) and internet radio.

Can be controlled from other devices when going to the IP address of the Pi in your browser.

Follow the steps below to install and configure your system.

Music Player Image 1 Music Player Image 2
Music Player Image 3 Music Player Image 4


  • Raspberry Pi 4 or 5
    (For smooth performance, use a Raspberry Pi 5)
  • USB CD-ROM Player
  • Touchscreen
    (Tested with Waveshare 7.9-inch HDMI Touchscreen LCD Display, 400(H) x 1280(V) Pixels IPS Screen, 60Hz)
  • USB Dock (Optional)
  • InnoMaker Raspberry Pi HIFI DAC HAT PCM5122
    (Optional HIFI DAC Audio Card Expansion Board for improved audio quality)

Installation Steps

  1. Flash Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit) to Your SD Card
    • User must be pi and password must be pi too.
    • Ensure SSH and Wi-Fi are enabled during setup.
  2. Enable I2C and Configure DAC Support
    • Edit the config file:
      sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt
    • Add the following lines to enable I2C and the DAC:
  3. Install Necessary Software Packages
    • Run the following commands to install the required packages:
      sudo apt install lighttpd php php-cgi
      sudo apt install xserver-xorg xinit
      sudo apt install chromium-browser
      sudo apt install vlc
      sudo apt install cd-discid
      sudo apt install unclutter
  4. Set Permissions for the Web Server
    • Adjust permissions for the web directory:
      sudo chown -R nobody:nogroup /var/www/html
      sudo chmod o+w /var/www/html
  5. Deploy Your Web Interface
    • Copy all files from this repository to /var/www/html.
    • Ensure to remove the default index.html first.
  6. Configure X11 for Touchscreen Display
    • Allow any user to start the X server:
      sudo nano /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
    • Prevent the display from going to sleep:
      sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
      Section "ServerFlags"
          Option "blank time" "0"
          Option "standby time" "0"
          Option "suspend time" "0"
          Option "off time" "0"
  7. Reboot the Raspberry Pi
    • Reboot to apply changes:
      sudo reboot
  8. Identify the BossDAC Device
    • Find the DAC card number:
      aplay -l
  9. Set Up Audio Configuration
    • Create an asound configuration file:
      sudo nano /etc/asound.conf
    • Set the card number (replace 2 with the actual card number from aplay -l):
      defaults.pcm.card 2
      defaults.ctl.card 2
  10. Enable Auto-Mounting and Chromium Startup Scripts
    • Make the scripts executable:
      sudo chmod +x /var/www/html/sh/auto_mount.sh
      sudo chmod +x /var/www/html/sh/chromium.sh
    • Add the scripts to startup:
      sudo nano /etc/rc.local
      Add before exit 0:
      /var/www/html/sh/chromium.sh &
      /var/www/html/sh/auto_mount.sh &
  11. Create Symbolic Links for Convenience
    • Link the home directory to the web directory:
      sudo ln -s /home /var/www/html/home
      sudo ln -s /var/www/html /home/pi/htdocs
  12. Install SQLite PHP Extension
    • Install and configure SQLite3:
      sudo apt install php-sqlite3
      sudo nano /etc/php/8.2/apache2/php.ini
  13. Disable Unnecessary Services
    • Improve system performance by disabling unneeded services:
      sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager-wait-online.service
      sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager-wait-online.service
      sudo systemctl disable raspi-config.service
      sudo systemctl stop raspi-config.service
      sudo systemctl disable e2scrub_reap.service
      sudo systemctl stop e2scrub_reap.service
      sudo systemctl disable bluetooth.service
      sudo systemctl stop bluetooth.service
      sudo systemctl disable systemd-journal-flush.service
      sudo systemctl stop systemd-journal-flush.service
      sudo systemctl disable rpi-eeprom-update.service
      sudo systemctl stop rpi-eeprom-update.service
  14. Final Reboot
    • Reboot the Raspberry Pi one more time to finalize the setup:
      sudo reboot

Source Code

Chris Andriessen

Made with lots of ☕ by Chris Andriessen