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Lightburn config for Wazer waterjet

This repository contains configuration files for LightBurn to get the WAZER waterjet working on LightBurn.

⚠️ Warning! Use at your own risk. ⚠️

So I have been working on getting my Wazer to work with LightBurn using the custom GCode device. I have also converted the materials library to a LightBurn library. The machine can be imported in the device’s menu and the library in the libraries panel. I am still working on finetuning this but so far it’s working great!. USB Communication works except pressure valve and abrasive valve commands. It seems the Wazer needs to run through its safety screen before the pressure valve and abrasive valve can be controlled. So for now you can do a dry run and if it's correct you can put the gcode file on you SD card.


Machine: (This file can be imported in the devices menu)

To download this file hit ctrl+s on the page below and save it as WAZER.lbdev

Material Library: (This file can be loaded in the library panel)

To download this file hit ctrl+s on the page below and save it as WAZER Library.clb

More info:
Chris Andriessen

Made with lots of ☕ by Chris Andriessen